Play Arts Kai - Final Fantasy XII - Balthier
[Pre-Order] Play Arts Kai - Final Fantasy XII - Balthier
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Full Deposit (Non-Refundable): $145
Deposit: $45
Pre-Order Deadline (SGT GMT+8): July 3, 2016
Estimated Arrival (in Singapore) (in Singapore): September 2016
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the release of Final Fantasy XII and the announcement of its HD remaster, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, Play Arts Kai has announced new figures from the game.
Balthier is a sky pirate who pilots the airship Strahl, traveling the skies of the world as he pleases. He hates being fettered down, and shows no affiliation to any country or ruling power. Following his own moral code, he steals only from the corrupt – along with his partner, Fran, a female warrior from the Viera tribe.
This highly posable figure exudes the sharpshooter's coolness and calmness.
- collectors of Play Arts Kai
- lovers of highly-detailed figures
- dioramas and recreation of scenes from the Final Fantasy XII
- self-respecting fans of the the Final Fantasy franchise
- decoration
- toy connoisseurs
Figure Size (inches): W3.54" x D3.1.57" x H11" tall
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