Play Arts Kai - Arkham Knight - Batgirl
[Pre-Order] Play Arts Kai - Arkham Knight - Batgirl
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PO Price: $135
Deposit: $55
Pre-Order price available til release!
Estimated Arrival (in Singapore) (in Singapore): August 2016
"What, because I'm in this chair? No. No, I don't regret it. I'm thankful for every moment I have. And I'm thankful for every moment I had before I got hurt. Not being able to walk doesn't affect why I do what I do. It only affects how I do it."
Before being confined to a wheelchair due to The Joker's cruel prank, Oracle (Barbara Gordon), was Batgirl, one of Batman's sidekick. On top of being a symbol of girl power for everyone, Barbara Gordon, as Oracle, has also inspired us to thrive in life despite the circumstances we are in. Smart, brave, and tough – Barbara, whether as Oracle or Batgirl, is all three at once!
Packaging Size: W23cm x D10cm x H30cm
- collectors of Play Arts Kai
- lovers of highly-detailed figures
- dioramas and recreation of scenes from the Arkham video game franchise
- self-respecting fans of the DC, Batman, Batgirl and the Arkham video game franchise
- decoration
- toy connoisseurs
- a great gift for your daughter or niece
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